Justinian and Theodora, the imperial
Born in 482 in the village Bederiana, Justinian
( his
given name was Flavius Petrus Sabbatius) came from a family
of romanized thracian peasants. As a young officer, he made
a brilliant career under his uncle,
Justin I (518-527),
who appointed him co-emperor in 527.
Prokopios, an
official in the Justinianic administration, describes the
emperor as a rather plain individual, with simple tates, approachable
and hard-working, crafty and vindictive. A man of low origin,
Justinian was surrounded by loyal people who did not belong
to the crust of society - his wife Theodora,
his nephew Germanos, the generals
Belisarios and
Narses, and
the administrators John of Cappadocia and Tribonian. Theodora
was a woman of great charm and wit, who, in her youth, had
been an actress, a dishonorable occupation involving mime
and nudity. She led a quiet, independent life in Constantinople,
when she became involved with Justinian, whom she married
in 524. Mutual devotion, trust and support made their mariage
a strong and long-lasting one. Theodora favored
and endowed numerous religious and welfare establishments.