The IMEros journal is an annual publication by the Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW). Its aim is to stimulate the theoretical study of the problems and opportunities arising from the interaction between the Humanities with multimedia and the new technologies taking as a starting point the interdisciplinary character of the projects realized by FHW.
IMEros will cover thus issues relating to
- cultural information as an object of electronic development and dissemination
- the application, visualization and reconstructing of cultural information
- educational and museological electronic applications as they relate to cultural information
The fourth issue of the journal hosts the proceedings of the "2nd International Workshop on ICTs, Arts and Cultural Heritage - Digital Art Technologies, Applications and Policy". In charge of the organization was Ms Antonia Zervaki, who together with the other members of the Organising Committee form the Editorial Committee for this issue.
Three more articles complete the fourth issue of the journal: Ms Sylaiou and Mr Patias ("Virtual Reconstructions in Archaeology and Some Issues for Consideration") examine the modern role of Virtual Reconstructions in archaeology, suggesting a new way to research an archaeological model, site, number of monuments or even objects of cultural heritage. The article by A. Sideris, M. Roussou and A. Gaitatzes ("The Virtual Reconstruction of the Hellenistic Asclepieion of Messene") presents the reconstruction of a temple of Asclepius in Messene for the Virtual Reality system. Finally, the museologists Ms Th. Moussouri, A. Gazi and A. Nikiforidou ("What can museums learn from their visitors? The role of evaluation in the exhibition development process") aim at demonstrating the way in which evaluation may lead the members of the work-group into making decisions relevant to the development of exhibitions that will enhance learning. To this end they present the example of the evaluation programme for FHW's exhibition "Is There An Answer To Everything? A journey to the world of Greek mathematics".