Crusades: Myth and Reality An important travelling exhibition of historical and archaeological content, designed and organized by the Pierides Foundation in Cyprus (coordinating foundation), the Foundation of the Hellenic World, the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage in Malta and the Instituto per le Technologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali-Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche in Italy. The exhibition"s subject was the influence of the Crusades to the Mediterranean cultures and vice versa, starting from their beginning in the 11th century until the expulsion of the Order of the Knights of St John from Malta in 1798. Over 200 findings were exhibited –most for the first time– in an impressive castle-city, inspired by medieval models, which was designed by the exhibition’s curator Mr. Giannis Toumazis. FHW participated in the exhibition designing and developing the multimedia exhibit "The World of the Crusades", which included digital pictures of real objects, maps and texts. The exhibition was created in the framework of the European Programme "Culture 2000". (Period February-June 2005)
Additional information at the relevant site.