Tales of the Olympic Games. A unique exhibition Focusing on the modern Olympic Games, from their revival in 1896 to the Athens organization in 2004, the exhibition attempted to enlighten the importance of the Games on individual, city, nation/state and world community level. Looking beyond stereotypes, the exhibition focused on personal stories of athletes, such as Spiros Louis, Konstantinos Tsiklitiras and Nadia Comaneci, on cities that had undertaken the organization of the Games, such as Barcelona and Moscow, on issues of exclusion from the Games and its relation to issues of economic or political strength. Multimedia, 3D graphics, Virtual Reality, words and images, as well as objects and special constructions created an attractive exhibition environment, where visitors had the opportunity to follow the course they preferred, but also to state their own view about the Olympic Games. (Period 2004-2006)
Additional information at the relevant site.