Administration and institutionsThe duke governed Naxos in person, whereas the other islands of the duchy were governed by his representatives, who shared the governance among them or with part of the population who enjoyed political rights. The council of the duke was composed of seigneurs of the island (Gozzadini, da Corogna) and powerful landowners, Latins, Greeks or bourgeois people (cittadini). LawIn the duchy of the Aegean the Assizes of Romania (Liber Consuetudinum Imperii Romanie) were applicable together with the local common law. The administration of justice came under the jurisdiction of the duke of Naxos. The rector of Tinos was responsible for adjudicating criminal cases and serious civil ones, whereas issues of lesser importance were settled by the bailo. The hearing was recorded by the scribe (scrivano), whereas the chief of the police (cavalier) had the role of the public prosecutor.