The organization and coordination of military operations imposed, from the beginning of the Greek Revolution, the need for financial organization so that weapons, munitions, provisions and payments of the troops would be ensured.
Initially, these needs were covered on a regional level, but soon procedures
began for a central organization of economic affairs, with budget receipts and payments, accounting systems, receipts and administration of resources, and so on. The First National Assembly began the procedure, but the central control of economic resources and their rational administration occurred only during the Kapodistrian period (1828-1831).
The monies concentrated initially in the hands of the Philiki Etaireia, the sporadic contributions of the Philhellenic Committees as well as the money collected by the Greek communities of the Diaspora were certainly considerable. However, they could only cover a small part of revolutionary needs. Economic needs were therefore covered mainly by resources from the rebellious regions themselves. The contributions of the families of notables in the Peloponnese and the Aegean Islands were significant. The same families who were responsible for collecting taxes and giving them to the Ottoman authorities and who were also involved in the subleasing systems under Ottoman occupation continued in this activity during the first years of the Revolution.
Thus, the economic institutions and mechanisms of the Ottoman period, such as the tithe and the system of tax subleasing were preserved in the war years. At the same time an effort was made to reduce tariffs. These receipts, which came primarily from the Peloponnese and secondly from the Aegean Islands, constituted the most important financial resource in the war, especially after 1824. However, the income from direct and indirect taxation was low, since the war did not allow a growth in agricultural production or trade. In addition, these taxes were collected only with the good will of the lessee and sublessee, despite the efficiency of the collection apparatus of the government.
The spoils of war, the sharing out of which was often an object of conflict between different chieftains, made up an additional source of income.
From 1824 onwards the most important development in the economic matters
was the contracting of two external loans from financial circles in London. The terms of paying off these loans were extremely unfavourable, while at the same time there was the National Land, that is Ottoman properties that had passed on to the revolutionaries, which restricted the possibility of rehabilitating the fighters and in general the landless farmers.
However, the most important aspect of the external loans was associated with both economic matters and foreign policy. The inofficial consent of the British government to the loans implied the de facto acknowledgement of the political existence of the Greeks and of their possibility to constitute a state in the future, one they could pay off these loans.