During the five year-period 1823-1827 the various political groups and factions were engaged in incessant political antagonism which sometimes took the form of armed conflict. The divided political field and the fluid character of political alliances did not allow the winners to impose their dominance with any degree of permanency.
The fluidity of the political situation favoured the successive reversal of power. Furthermore, this situation affected the negotiating ability of the Greeks in a period (1827) when Britain and Russia seemed to seek, each one for its own reasons, a favourable resolution for the rebellious Greeks. Under these conditions the unanimous selection of Kapodistrias as Governor during the proceedings of the Third National Assembly was associated with his experience as a diplomat. His post in the top rank of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in a period (1815-1822) in which the 'art of diplomacy' had reached high levels, revealed that he had the qualifications to carry out the complex and fine diplomatic manipulations that the promulgation of Greek claims required. The political groups and factions that had chosen him needed the diplomat Kapodistrias. Thus, at the time of the formation of the constitution of Troizina, they ensured that the work of the Governor was subjected to the control of the Parliament, which was controlled by themselves.
Using his prestige and reputation and probably suprising the political groups and factions, Kapodistrias achieved right from the beginning the suspension of the constitution, the self-dissolution of the Parliament and the concentration of all powers into the hands of the Governor. That is, he managed to put aside all the political factors, placing them mainly in consultative positions. At the same time, he promoted people he trusted, certain relatives and persons from the Ionian Islands and specifically from Corfu. Nevertheless, the real elimination of rival political factors would not have occurred if the causes of their political strengthening were not effected.
In this direction, Kapodistrias proceeded with broad administrative reorganization, abolishing the privileges of the regional administration and placing it under the control of the central power. Thus, the bases for the reorganization of a powerful centralized apparatus in accordance with the models of the modern western states were created. However, the policy of Kapodistrias provoked the discontent of the pre-revolutionary political agents (notables from the Morea and the islands, chieftains) and of the newly established leaders (Kolettis, Mavrokordatos), who gradually rallied in order to reverse this policy.