The establishment of central, modern, western-type political institutions was probably as great an undertaking on the part of the Greek Revolution as that of political independence. The formation of a central political scene - the Provisional Government or Administration as it is usually named - and the focusing of political procedures in this administration signified primarily and principally the end of local and regional political centres and of the political-administrative organizations that had been formed in all the rebellious regions in the first months of the Revolution. Such organizations functionned in the Peloponnese (Achaean Government, Messenian Senate or the Senate of the Argolid and others which were soon joined to the Peloponnesian Senate), in west-central Greece (Organization of west-central Greece) and east-central Greece (Legal Provision of east-central Greece-Areios Pagos) and Crete (Regime of Crete). The islands, which enjoyed a regime of more or less extended communal administration before the Revolution, followed the existing forms of communal administration. Samos was an exception since Lykourgos Logothetis had consolidated a local regime on the island.

Certain regional political formations which functionned in the first years of the Revolution suggest the communal institutions formed from the time of Ottoman rule. The Peloponnesian Senate for example resembled the regular assembly of the most important Peloponnesian notables in the late years of the Ottoman occupation. Moreover, in Rumeli, where the powerful presence of the armatoles before the Revolution was an obstacle to the evolution of communal institutions, the political-administrative organizations constituted after the Revolution were the work of the Phanariotes and other eminent heterochthons. By composing and controlling such organizations persons such as Alexandros Mavrokordatos and Theodoros Negris attempted to bolster their political presence with the revolutionaries - to a great extent they succeded. Despite the establishment of central political organs in the first year of the war (First National Assembly: Constitution of Epidauros) the regional organizations were neither abolished nor subjected to the Administration. Conversely, the weak organs of the central administration did not succeed in imposing their power in the different districts. Central political institutions seem to have prevailed only after 1824 and only after many months of severe civil conflicts. Thus, as the Revolution constantly failed in the battlefields, from 1825 onwards, the prevalence of the institutions of the central administration against the regional political centres increased in inverse proportions. The assassination of Kapodistrias, during whose governement (1828-31) the bases for the establishment of a modern centralized state were formed systematically for the first time, did not reverse the developments. The unification of the political arena with a powerful central power as the core element was completed in the first decades of Otto's kingship (1833-1862).