10th - 8th century B.C.

7th - 6th century B.C.

5th century B.C.

4th century B.C.

3rd - 1st century B.C.

1st - 4th century A.D.






Olympia during the 10th-8th century BC

Extended strata of destruction, filled with offerings from the sanctuary of Olympia, demonstrate the existence of an early worship tradition, dating back to the 10th century. Since no buildings of this early period have been preserved, one can speculate that these very old offerings were placed directly on the altars or were shown in outdoors areas.

Elis organized the first Olympic festival in the 8th century BC. According to tradition, the Olympic games were organized for the first time in 776 BC. They included only one competition, a running event called the stade, which was won by Coroebus of Elis, the first ever Olympic victor. Around 700 BC, the sanctuary was reorganized, the ground was leveled and many wells were dug on the east side. There were some changes on the northern side of the sanctuary as well. Gradually, the Olympic festivals were expanded and included other athletic events for adult males as well as competitions for boys.


Short description of the monuments at ancient Olympia

3D reconstructions:
Some of the most important buildings in ancient Olympia rendered in three-dimensions.

3D reconstruction of the Temple of Zeus in ancient Olympia.

Other games:
Short reference on other famous contests in ancient Greece

In the first person:
Young Ariston shares his experience in the Olympic Games

Olympic victors:
Database of the ancient Olympic victors based on each athletic event and each Olympiad

Specimen sources
