Presence of angels in a steam-engine

When the gravity of the wind that transports
the sweepings through the feet of mothers trum-
peted the shooting star the last commands of
men-gods the sound proudly rose and
with the flexibility of a perfect mechanical refinement
swept happiness to the high seas of a hu-
ge tide. Then it happened that physeters
sneezed and all the cetaceans reversed their belly
and foundered crew and cargo the past
carcasses in favour of the rebirth of happiness in favour of
the fulfilment of extremities in favour of peace
in favour of the blackening in favour of the brilliance of t-
ruth in favour of the dominance of the roses and the
magic spider in years of joy for the century of the
great lapses of the waves upon the
standing ships.

(Andreas Embeirikos, Ypsikaminos, Athens, Agra, 1988)