Mainland Greece during the Middle Bronze Age

General bibliography

Bouzek, J., The Aegean, Anatolia and Europe: Cultural Interrelations in the Second Millennium B.C., Goeteborg 1985.

Buck, R.J., The Middle Helladic Period, Phoenix 20, 1966, 193-209.

Dickinson, O.T.P.K., The Origins of Mycenaean Civilization, Goeteborg 1977.

Howell, R.J., The Origins of the Middle Helladic Culture, in: Crossland, R.A., and Birchall, A., (eds.), Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean, Park Ridge 1974, 73-99.

Laffineur, R., Transition. Le monde Egeen du Bronze Moyen au Bronze Recent, Aegaeum 3, Liege 1989.

Nordquist, G., A Middle Helladic Village: Asine in the Argolid, Uppsala 1987.

Rutter, J.B., Review of Aegean Prehistory II: The Prepalatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland, American Journal of Archaeology 97, 1993, 774-783.

Touchais, G., Le passage du Bronze Moyen au Bronze Recent en Grece continentale: Etat de la question, in: Laffineur, R. (ed.), Transition. Le monde en du Bronze Moyen au Bronze Recent, Aegaeum 3, Liege 1989, 113-121.


Bulle, H., Orchomenos I. Die aelteren Ansiedlungsschichten, Muenchen 1907.

Dietz, S., Asine II,1: Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974. General Stratigraphical Analysis and Architectural Remains, Stockholm 1982.

Dor, L., Jannoray, J., H. and M. van Effenterre, Kirrha. Etude de praehistoire phocidienne, Paris 1960.

Goldman, H., Excavations at Eutresis in Boetia, Cambridge, Mass. 1932.

Hanschmann, E., Milojcic, V., Die deutschen Ausgrabungen auf der Argissa-Magula in Thessalien III: Die fruehe und beginnende mittlere Bronzezeit, Bonn 1976.

Hanschmann, Å., Die deutschen Ausgrabungen auf der Argissa-Magula in Thessalien IV: Die mittlere Bronzezeit, Bonn 1981.

Holmberg, E.J., The Swedish Excavations at Asea in Arcadia, Lund/Leipzig 1944.

Howell, R.J., The Middle Helladic Settlement: Stratigraphy and Architecture and the Middle Helladic Settlement: Pottery, in: McDonald, W.A. and Wilkie, N.C. (eds.), Excavations at Nichoria in Southwest Greece II: The Bronze Age Occupation, Minneapolis 1992, 15-204.

Hunter, A.G., The Bronze Age in Thessaly and its Environment with Special Reference to Mycenaean Culture, (thesis) Oxford University 1953.

Jacobsen, T.W., Prehistoric Euboia, (thesis) University of Pennsylvania 1964.

Koumouzelis, M., The Early and Middle Helladic Periods in Elis, (thesis) Brandeis University 1980, University Microfilms International.

Lambropoulou, A., The Middle Helladic Period in the Corinthia and the Argolid: An Archaeological Survey, (thesis) Bryn Mawr 1991, University Microfilms International.

Maran, J., Die deutschen Ausgrabungen auf der Pevkakia-Magula in Thessalien III: Die mittlere Bronzezeit, Bonn 1992.

Nordquist, G., Excavations in the Levendis Sector at Asine, 1989, Opuscula Atheniensia 19, 1992, 59-68.

Nordquist, G., Floor Deposits on the Barbouna Slope at Asine, Hydra 1, 1985, 19-33.

Popham, R., Sackett, L.H., Excavations at Lefkandi, Euboea, 1964-1966, London 1968.

Reinholdt, C., Entwicklung und Typologie mittelbronzezeitlicher Lanzenspitzen mit Schaeftungsschuh in Griechenland, Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 14, 1993, 43-52.

Taylour, W., Excavations at Ayios Stephanos, The Annual of the Brittish School at Athenas 67, 1972, 205- .

Valmin, M.N., The Swedish Messenia Expedition: Malthi Dorion, Lund 1939.

Wace, J.A B., Thompson, M.S., Prehistoric Thessaly, Cambridge 1912.

Walter, H, F. Felten, Alt-Aegina III,1: Die vorgeschichtliche Stadt: Befestigungen, Haeuser, Funde, Mainz 1981.

Walter, H., Weisshaar, H-J., Alt-Aegina. Die praehistorische Innenstadt westlich des Apollontempels, Archaeologische Anzeiger 1993, 293-297.

Werner, K., The Megaron during the Aegean and Anatolian Bronze Age, Studies in Meditterean Archaeology 108, Jonsered 1993.

Wohlmayr, W., Aegina Kolonna - Die schachtgraeberzeitliche Siedlung, in: Laffineur, R., Transition. Le monde Egeen du Bronze Moyen au Bronze Recent, Aegaeum 3, Liege 1989, 151-153.

Zerner, C.W., The Beginning of the Middle Helladic Period at Lerna, (thesis) University of Cincinnati 1978.

Demakopoulou, K., Konsola, D., Leipsana protoelladikou, mesoelladikou kai ysteroelladikou oikismou sti Thiva, ADelt 30A, 1975, 44-89.

Mylonas, G., Proistoriki Eleusis, in: K. Kourouniotis (eds.), Eleusiniaka, Athens 1932.

Pantelidou, M., Ai proistorikai Athinai, Athens 1975.

Romaios, A., Ek tou proistorikou Thermou, ADelt, 1, 1915, 225-279.

Sampson, Ad., Kalogerovrysi. Enas oikismos tis Proimis kai Mesis Chalkokratias sta Phylla tis Euvoias, Athens 1993.


Anthony, D.W., Horse, Wagon and Chariot: Indo-European Languages and Archaeology, Antiquity 69, 1995, 554-565.

Anthony, D.W., The 'Kurgan Culture, Indo-European Origins, and the Domestication of the Horse: a Reconsideration, Current Anthropology 27, 1986, 291-304.

Blegen, C.W., The Coming of the Greeks II: The Geographical Distribution of Prehistoric Remains in Greece, American Journal of Archaeology 32, 1928, 146-154.

Haegg, R., Did the Middle Helladic People Have Any Religion?, Kernos 10, 1997, 13-18.

Hammond, N.G.L., Migrations and Invasions in Greece and Adjacent Areas, Park Ridge 1976.

Haeusler, A., Die Indoeuropaeisierung Griechenlands nach Aussage der Grab- und Bestattungssitten, Slovenska Archeologia 24:1, 1981, 59-66.

Hooker, J.T., The Coming of the Greeks, Historia 15, 1976, 129-145.

Kretschmer, P., Einleitung in die Geschichte der griechischen Sprache, Goettingen 1896.

Niemeier, W-D., Aegina - First Aegean state Outside of Crete?, in: Laffineur, R. and Niemeier, W-D. (eds.), Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age, Aegaeum 12, Liege 1995, 73-80.

Nordquist, G., Asine - A Middle Helladic Society, Hydra 3, 1987, 15-25.

Palmer, L.R., The Greek Language, London 1980.

Renfrew, C., Archaeology and Language: the Puzzle of Indo-European Origins, London 1987.

Sherratt, A., Sherrat S. The Archaeology of Indo-European: an Alternative View, Antiquity 62, 1988, 584-595.

Burial customs

Blackburn, E.T., Middle Helladic Graves and Burial Customs with Special, Reference to Lerna in the Argolid, (thesis) University of Cincinnati 1970.

Dickinson, O.T.P.K., Cist Graves and Chamber Tombs, Annual of the British School at Athens 78, 1983, 55-67.

Dietz, S., Asine II,2: Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974. The Middle Helladic Cemetery, The Middle Helladic and Early, Mycenaean Deposits, Stockholm 1980.

Haegg, R., Nordquist, G.C. (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid, Stockholm 1990.

Kilian-Dirlmeier, I., Das mittelbronzezeitliche Schachtgrab von Áegina, Mainz 1997.

Kilian-Dirlmeier, I., Reiche Graeber der mittelhelladischen Zeit, in: Laffineur, R. and Niemeier, W-D. (eds.), Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age, Aegaeum 12, Liege 1995, 49-53.

Kosmetatou, E., Horse Sacrifices in Greece and Cyprus, Journal of Prehistoric Religion 7, 1993, 31-41.

Mueller, S., Les tumuli helladiques: ou? quand? comment?, Bulletin de Correspondence Hellenique113, 1989, 1-42.

Nordquist, G.C., Middle Helladic Burial Rites: Some Speculations, in: Haegg, R. and Nordquist, G.C. (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid, Stockholm 1990, 35-41.

Pelon, O., Tholoi, tumuli, et cercles funraires, Paris 1976.

Protonotariou-Deilaki, E., Burial Customs and Funerary Rites in the Prehistoric Argolid, in: Haegg, R. and Nordquist, G.C. (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid, Stockholm 1990, 69-83.

Reese, D.S., Equid Sacrifices/Burials in Greece and Cyprus: An Addendum, Journal of Prehistoric Religion 9, 1995, 35-42.

Zerner, C.W., Ceramics and Ceremony: Pottery and Burials from Lerna in the, Middle and Early Late Bronze Ages, in: Haegg, R. and Nordquist, G.C. (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid, Stockholm 1990, 23-34.

Demakopoulou, K., Thivai. Mesoelladikos tafikos pithos, AAA, 1975, 25-27.

Kasimi-Soutou, M., Mesoelladikos taphos polemisti apo ti Thiva, ADelt, 1980, 88-101.

Protonotariou-Deilaki, E., Oi tymvoi tou Argous (thesis, University of Athens), Athens 1980.


Boessneck, J., A. von den Driesch, Die zoologische Dokumentation der Reste von vier Pferden und einem Hund aus einem mykenischen Schachtgrab in Kokla bei Argos, Peloponnes, Spixiana 7:3, 1984, 327-333.

Nordquist, G., What about Production? Production in the Middle Helladic Frame, in: Gillis, C., Risberg, C. and Sjoeberg, B. (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Production and the Craftsman, SIMA Pocketbook 143,, Jonsered 1997, 15-27.

Rutter an J. B., d C. W. Zerner, Early Hellado-Minoan Contacts, in: R. Haegg and N. Marinatos (eds.), The Minoan Thalassocracy: Myth and Reality, Stockholm 1984, 75-83.

Zerner, C.W., New Perspectives on Trade in the Middle and Early Late Helladic Periods on the Mainland, in: Zerner, C. and P. and Winder, J. (eds.), Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age 1939-1989, Amsterdam 1993, 39-56.

Arts and Technology


Betancourt, P., Myer, G., Highly Micaceous/Chloritic Imports into Lerna V: Evidence from Ceramic Petrography, in: Zerner, C. and P., Winder, J. (eds.), Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age, 1939-1989, Amsterdam 1993, 195-196.

Buck, R.J., Middle Helladic Mattpainted Pottery, Hesperia 33, 1964, 231-308.

Childe, V.G., On the Date and Origin of Minyan Ware, Journal of Hellenic Studies 35, 1915, 196-207.

Crouwel, J.H., Pot-marks on Grey Minyan Ware, Kadmos 12, 1973, 101-108.

D.H. French, Notes on the Prehistoric Pottery Groups from Central Greece, Athens 1972.

Forsdyke, E.J., The Pottery Called Minyan Ware, Journal of Hellenic Studies 34, 1914, 126-156.

Nordquist, G. Who Made the Pots? Production in the Middle Helladic Society, in: Laffineur, R. and Niemeier, W-D. (eds.), Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age, Aegaeum 12, Liege 1995, I: 201-207.

Graziadio, G., The Chronology of the Graves of Circle B at Mycenae: a New Hypothesis, American Journal of Archaeology 92, 1988, 344-372.

Hiller, S., Fisch oder Schiff: Zu einem bemalten mittelbronzezeitlichen Gefaessfragment aus Aegina, Pantheon 30, 1972, 439-446.

Hiller, S., Minoan and Minoanizing Pottery on Aegina, in: Zerner, C. and P. and Winder, J. (eds.), Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age 1939-1989, Amsterdam 1993, 197-199.

Nordquist, G. C., The Middle Helladic Pottery from the Southern Argolid, Hydra 5, 1988, 17-31.

Protonotariou-Deilaki, E., La ceramique premycenienne des tumuli d'Argos, etudes argiennes, Bulletin de Correnspondance Hellenique, Supplement 6, 1980, 41-52.

Rutter, J.B., Pottery Groups of the End of the Middle Bronze Age from Tsoungiza, Hesperia 59, 1990, 375-458.

Rutter, J.B., Some Comments on the Nature and Significance of the Ceramic Transition from Early Helladic III to Middle Helladic, Hydra 2, 1986, 29-57.

Rutter, J.B., Stone Vases and Minyan Ware: A Facet of Minoan Influence on Middle Helladic Laconia, American Journal of Archaeology 83, 1979, 464-469.

Siedentopf, H., Alt-Aegina IV.2: Mattbemalte Keramik der Mittleren Bronzezeit, Mainz 1991.

Wuensche, R., Die Entwicklung der mittelhelladischen mattbemalten Keramik, Muenchener Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst 28, 1977, 7-27.

Wuensche, R., Studien zur aeginetischen Keramik der fruehen und mittleren Bronzezeit, Berlin/Leipzig 1977.

Zerner, C.W., Ceramics and Ceremony: Pottery and Burials from Lerna in the Middle and Early Late Bronze Ages, in: Haegg, R. and Nordquist, G.C. (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid, Stockholm 1990, 23-34.

Zerner, C.W., Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I Pottery from Lerna, Hydra 2, 1986, 58-73.

Zerner, C.W., The Beginning of the Middle Helladic Period at Lerna, Ph.D. thesis, University of Cincinnati 1978.

Zerner, C.W., Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I Pottery from Lerna: Part II: Shapes, Hydra 4, 1988, 1-10.


Higgins, R., A Gold Diadem from Aegina, Journal of Hellenic Studies 107, 1987, 182.

Reinholdt, C., Entwicklung und Typologie mittelbronzezeitlicher Lanzenspitzen mit Schaeftungsschuh in Griechenland, Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 14, 1993, 43-52.

Tripathi, D.N., Bronzework of Mainland Greece from c. 2600 B.C. to c. 1450 B.C, Goeteborg 1988.

Stone carving

Banks, E.C., The Early and Middle Helladic Small Objects from Lerna, (thesis) University of Cincinnati 1967, University Microfilms International.

Blitzer, H., Middle to Late Helladic Chipped Stone Implements of the Southwest Peloponnese, Greece. Part I: The Evidence from Malthi, Hydra 9, 1991, 1-73.

Blitzer, H., The Chipped Stone, Ground Stone, and Worked Bone Industries, in: McDonald, W.A., Wilkie, N.C. (eds.), Excavations at Nichoria in Southwest Greece II: The Bronze Age Occupation, Minneapolis 1992, 712-756.

Hiller, S., Fisch oder Schiff: Zu einem bemalten mittelbronzezeitlichen Gefaessfragment aus Aegina, Pantheon 30, 1972, 439-446.

Kardulias, P.N., Runnels, C., The Lithic Artifacts: Flaked Stone and OtherNonflaked Lithics, in: Runnels, C., Pullen, D.J. and Langdon, S. (eds.), Artifact and Assemblage: The Finds from a Regional Survey of the Southern Argolid, Greece I: The Prehistoric and Early Iron Age Pottery and the Lithic Artifacts, Stanford 1995, 74-139.

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